Scottish based visual artist Rae-Yen Song keeps a drawing diary on her Tumblr blog that documents her time at Sura Medura.

Scottish based visual artist Rae-Yen Song keeps a drawing diary on her Tumblr blog that documents her time at Sura Medura.
Scottish based visual artist Rae-Yen Song keeps a drawing diary on her Tumblr blog that documents her time at Sura Medura.
Nov – Dec 2017 Residency Line Up
For the Winter 2017 Residency period, we are delighted to host 6 artists at the Sura Medura Residency.
Anders Rigg Musician and Sound Artist. You can read Anders’ Bio and blog posts here
Flick Ferdinando Physical Theatre Practitioner and Director. You can read Flicks’ Bio and blog posts here
Helen Ottaway Musician and Sound Artist. You can read Helen’s Bio and blog posts here
Kyna Hodges Photographic Artist. You can read Kyna’s Bio and blog posts here
Lorna Rees Theatre Director, Performer and Maker. You can read Lorna’s Bio and blog posts here
Rae-Yen Song Visual Artist. You can read Rae-Yen’s Bio and blog posts here