Wraptheworld are proud to present:
Women’s Work
‘Women’s Work’ by Maria McCavana is an exhibition that explores the relationship between woman who have worked within the NHS and the tools that are important to them to deliver their work. Each of the participants were asked to think about those objects or tools which may be physical and tangible while others less so – more subjective and open to interpretation.
“Over a period of a year and faced with the challenges of COVID-19, together we decided the best way for these tools to be shared and from there we worked this into a visual reflection through 2d and 3d work. I recorded and documented my conversations with the women and we shared our thoughts and ideas through online zooms, emails, posting, walking, a blog and some doorstep drop offs.
From our conversations most of the women described themselves as their main tool, their training, knowledge and experience and alongside this there were particular objects, exercises and materials used. Some of the objects I received were, bubble wrap, a crocheted blanket, a Russian doll, a child’s well-used painting palette along with basic art materials such as clay, paper, paint and pencils. With this in mind I sent each of the women a block of clay, an A4 piece of paper a 2B pencil with a short open-ended brief to respond to.
Through this I have articulated their response and how they apply these tools and techniques through a series of pencil drawings that seek to express the significance of these apparently unremarkable objects within the context of the women’s practise and the response from each of the women through clay work, sketches and conversations. It is the intimacy of their work and often hidden processes I aim to present through this exhibition.”
The women who participated in Women’s Work are, Cristiona Logan NHSCT Governance Lead Radiographer, Dr Lindsey Macleod Independent Clinical Psychologist, Kasia Zych Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, Angela Bialek Art Therapist and Sarah McLean Social Worker. A blog of Woman’s Work will launched Nov 11th, published at www.wraptheworld.co.uk
The concept for Women’s Work was born from a previous project working closely with craftswomen in Sri Lanka. My portrayal of the coir rope they made or the palm cocoons they weaved to use in their everyday lives took on a representation, portraiture of the woman as they worked and chatted.

Supported by a bursary from a-n The Artists Information Company