Kyna Hodges

Kyna investigates versions of reality, through an exploration of our relationship with materials, technology and each other.

Utilising the senses, she aims to provide a space that both challenges and enables a rethinking of entrenched beliefs and patterns of thought and behaviour; a space that connects to, and has the potential for, creating new narratives for a more humane and sustainable future. 

Her projects usually consists of three elements: photography, sculpture and connection/collaboration, combined into one project or addressed separately. More specifically, she works with one of the oldest photographic processes called wet plate collodion. She is interested in this process because it is slow and physical in its creation, each image is unique and it shows the movement of chemicals across a metal plate and it reveals elements of the environment that it was taken in. Imperfect and lasting, it is the antithesis of the ‘selfie’ and consumerist culture.  

Radiophrenia on the air

A Message from Mark Vernon, a Sura Medura artist:


Dear Friends,

I just wanted to share the exciting news that Glasgow’s art radio station has returned to the airwaves.

We’re into the fourth day of our broadcasts and will continue up until midnight on Sunday 19th November, 24 hours a day.

We are transmitting on 87.9FM in the Glasgow area. A live webstream is available for listeners outside of Glasgow at

A major feature of our programme is a series of live-to-air events at CCA Glasgow. These events are free and you can find more details here:

In addition, with the support of Creative Scotland, Outset and the Jerwood Foundation, we have been able to commission 14 new works from an international selection of sound and radio artists. Details can be found at:

Thanks to all the artists, writers, musicians and producers who submitted work to our open call we have managed to assemble an incredibly diverse range of radio experiments from all around the world. I hope that you will be able to tune in for at least some of the broadcasts and enjoy some of the amazing work on offer.

Very best wishes,

Residency Line Up Nov – Dec 2017

Nov – Dec 2017 Residency Line Up

For the Winter 2017 Residency period, we are delighted to host 6 artists at the Sura Medura Residency.

Anders Rigg Musician and Sound Artist. You can read Anders’ Bio and blog posts here

Flick Ferdinando Physical Theatre Practitioner and Director. You can read Flicks’ Bio and blog posts here

Helen Ottaway Musician and Sound Artist. You can read Helen’s Bio and blog posts here

Kyna Hodges Photographic Artist. You can read Kyna’s Bio and blog posts here

Lorna Rees Theatre Director, Performer and Maker. You can read Lorna’s Bio and blog posts here

Rae-Yen Song Visual Artist. You can read Rae-Yen’s Bio and blog posts here

Sura Medura at Summerhall

An exciting new Sura Medura exhibition at Summerhall

3 Aug – 24 September

Presenting the work of nineteen European artists who have been resident at Sura Medura since 2006 including a focus on Insitu artists. The programme includes performances, installations, video and visual arts.

Featured artists:

Stephen Hurrel, Sita Pieraccini, Maria McCavana, Nichola Scrutton, Natasha Russell, Hannah Brackston, Ross Whyte, Lewis Sherlock, Kit Mead, Elisabeth Wildling, Sumit Sarkar, Matteo Lanfranchi, Steffi Oettl, Samson Ogiamein, Juri Cainero, John Rogers, Martin Janicek, Adrian Schvarzstein, Zoe Katsilerou, Chandraguptha Thenuwara.

Private View

You are invited to join us for a Private View on Wednesday 2nd August from 6pm – 9pm. There will be live performance, a first look at the exhibition, and the opportunity to meet many of the artists.

To join us for the Private view, please email us at

Call to Artists – New Residency Opportunity

2017 Residency Call Out

We are delighted to announce new residency opportunities for 2017 / 2018.

UZ Arts is inviting submissions from artists from any discipline to take part in a new Artists Residency at Sura Medura.

The Sura Medura Residency Programme supports artists from all disciplines in the creation of work that is enhanced by being made in Sri Lanka.

This opportunity is open to Scotland based artists or artists whose work will benefit the people of Scotland.

There are two residency periods available, each of six weeks. The first between 31st October 2017 and 10th December 2017, and the second between 12th February 2018 and 26th March 2018. Artists can apply to take part in either one of these six-week blocks.

The residency offers artists the chance to produce and present a new piece of work that responds to the environment of Sura Medura and Sri Lanka. Artists are encouraged to present their artistic practice at the beginning of their stay through our partnership with Colombo University of Visual and Performing Arts and to engage with the artistic community in Sri Lanka. At the end of their stay there will be an opportunity for artists to present the outcome of their residency, for example through exhibition, screening or performance.   UZ Arts will also seek to present the outcomes of residencies in Scotland in 2018.

This artist call is funded through Creative Scotland.

Suramedura is also funded by the pan-European network Insitu and by Arts Council England. One of the benefits of this support is that the residency often hosts artists from several countries during a residency block.

The six-weeks residency block comprises of 4 weeks in which the artists can work on their own projects, followed by 2 weeks when the artists will work collaboratively to create work to be presented

The residency programme will cover travel, food and accommodation costs for artists and includes a fee of £2,000 to cover all material and production costs for work produced.


The residency environment is challenging but very rewarding. We recommend applicant to research Sri Lankan information sites and the blogs of previous artists



To apply, please send:

–           CV

–           A maximum of 5 images, or a 5 minute video or a 5 minute audio, of your work

–           A short project proposal (max. 250 words) for the residency.

–           An indication of availability between either October and December 2017, and/or February and March 2018.


Please send to

The deadline for submissions is Friday 18th August.

Shortlisted artists will be invited for interview on 29th August.

Elected artists will be informed by 1st September.

Once selected artists are offered mentorship in advance of their visit to support the development of their project proposal.

The residency opportunity is supported by Creative Scotland.

Exhibition 2017

We were delighted with the turnout for the Private Launch of the Sura Medura exhibition held at the Briggait on 20th April 2017. Attendees were treated to performances from Zoe Katsilerou, Sita Pieraccini, and live 3D imaging from Sumit Sarkar, as well as the exhibition itself, and of course a traditional Sri Lankan Arrak cocktail!

Thanks to all for joining us.

The exhibition of work was in place in the Briggait Galleries for a month, showcasing just a selection of some of the incredible work which has come out of the Sura Medura residencies over the years.

Here are a few images of the exhibition:

Sura Medura Exhibition

UZ Arts invites you to the Private View of Sura Medura.

A retrospective and celebration of the artists who have been resident at the Sura Medura and Chandrasavana residencies in Sri Lanka with Visual Art, Performance, Video, Sound Art and Installations by

Wave Shift:
A collaboration between Nichola Scrutton and Natasha Russell (2016).

Moving Out:
Maria McCavana (2007), Kit Mead (2012), Hannah Brackston (2013), Sita Pieraccini (2013), Stephen Hurrel (2015), and Sumit Sarkar (2016), Lewis Sherlock (2017), Zoe Katsilerou (2017), Ross Whyte (2017).

Live performances collaboration from Sita Pieraccini and Mark Vernon (2013/14).

The Briggait, Glasgow Thursday 20th April 6pm – 7.30pm

Exhibition then runs from 21st April – 19 May 2017.