Taking part at the Residency at Sura Medura was very positive for me. This six weeks, the whole stay in Sri Lanka and wonderful Hikkaduwa, the being with great artists from all over Europe, all that has an intense fruitful impact on me.
It was very inspiring to me, to be surrounded mainly by performers, although that was as well challenging for me. What I realised once more is that there is an aspect of awareness and concentration artists do have in common, but in different ways. Working with visual media and filmic devices, I am often as well dependent on (points in) time. It was a pleasure for me to find several magic moments working with my colleagues working with artists, whose main expressions and languages is being present. What I found are fresh aspects of real-time, which influences my thinking, and changed already my approaches of my ongoing work.
Not to forget to mention, that I have some very nice foto-film material, which I very soon will publish on Vimeo, or give to whom ever wants it, to make it accessible. The film Beginnings are Endings, with Roger, I am about to submit at film-festivals in Europe. My thoughts, research and installation, my work with ObscuraMedura is in process and is at least leading to further ideas. Concepts of time and place, overlapping with reality, are becoming central in my actual work!